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TRE Introduction Course

TRE Introduction Course

I am running a short 3 week course introducing you to the practice of TRE - Tension and Trauma Release Exercises and there are just 6 places available.

After 3 sessions with me you will have a good understanding of the beneficial impact the practice can have on your whole system. My intention is that after the course you will feel confident and comfortable in continuing to practice TRE on your own at home.

More about TRE

The course will help you to unlock this ancient, natural instinctive mechanism that helps us recover from tension or trauma. When we go through a stressful time, hormones are released in the body to help us cope. If the adrenaline and cortisol is not fully discharged, it can create chronic tension and disharmony in our body and minds. Have you ever seen an animal shake after a stressful moment? He is simply discharging the excess stress hormones to help bring his physiology back into balance. This is TRE! As human, western adults we seem to have forgotten how to access this practice, but this course will help you recover the mechanism. Through the tremors, we release the tension and calm our nervous system.

Benefits of TRE

Reported benefits of TRE include: less worry and anxiety, more energy and endurance, better sleep, healing of old injuries, reduced symptoms of PTSD, reduced muscle and back pain, improved relationships and relief from tension headaches and pain. Personally I have found relief from anxiety, insomnia, chronic slipped disc related lower back pain, intense period cramps and healing from RSI.

TRE is a safe comfortable and natural process. People describe it as relaxing, enjoyable, uplifting and find it deeply calming. Our bodies when reacquainted with its reboot through TRE just want to release and restore, knowing they are returning to a place of calm and natural balance.

Course content

We will go through some theory of TRE and then the practice in each session. The practice consists of a series of physical exercises and grounding practices to prepare, followed by the shake and then we integrate the practice by deeply resting afterwards. There will also be space to discuss anything that may be arising and ask questions.


I am asking for £60 investment for the 3 x sessions. Just 6 places available. The groups will be held at the beautiful Roselidden Farm. on the following dates…

  • Tuesday 18th January: 6pm - 8pm

  • Tuesday 25th January: 6pm - 8pm

  • Tuesday 1st February: 6pm - 8pm

If you would like to discuss the course with me before you book, just send me an email. You can also read more on my blog post about the TRE practice.

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